In keeping with the mission to foster a high level of involvement from UNC Charlottes student population and the various facets of our campus, a Student Union Advisory Board (Board) was developed to act as the governing body for the Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center.
The Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center Advisory Board (referred to hereafter as the Board) will serve as an advisory body to the Director of the Student Union, advise and provide voice from the constituents on the role of the student union as well as operations of the building. The Board will have the responsibility to provide advice and guidance on the vision, facility use and hours, policy, services and space use of the Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center.
Student Government Association
Isaiah Grayson
Leadership and Community Engagement
Jaidelyn Torres Adame
Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
Donovan Civitella
Student Niner Media
Ava Gilmore
At-Large Voting
Thai Williams
Everett Pohl
Bharati Peddinti
Student Employee
Omar Rahman
Alumni Association
Jaycie Loud
Popp Martin Student Union
Morgan Meehan, Director
Student Activities Fee Commission
Dede Effon
Graduate & Professional Student Government
Kaitlin Klotz
Campus Activities Board
Amber Wilkins
Maddie Burnett
Student Affairs
Emily Teitelbaum
Michaelle Guobadia
Business Affairs
Jody Thompson
Faculty Senate Appointment
Dr. Carlos Cruz Casas
Academic Affairs Faculty Appointment
Brenda Ward
Consisting of 19 members, the board has voting as well as non-voting members and is a mix of students and non-students.
- Eight participants are voting student constituency members, representing an array of divisions and departments here on campus.
- Three members are voting At-Large students who represent the campus community as a whole.
- On the non-student side, two voting faculty members represent the Division of Academic Affairs and the Faculty Council, respectively.
- Three voting administrative representatives are appointed, with two from Student Affairs and the third from Business Affairs.
- To tie into the goal of achieving a facility to benefit the entire campus community, there is one voting alumni representative.
- The Student Union Executive Director serves in a non-voting ex-officio capacity.
The Board convenes on a regular schedule with meetings held once or twice per month during the fall and spring semester on Fridays from 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM. Special meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis, and various board committees gather on a regular basis as well.
If you desire a role in the governance of the Student Union, please take a moment to consider applying for one of the At-Large positions. Applications are accepted each March for the next years Board term of office.
In keeping with UNC Charlottes policy of non-discrimination, the Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, veteran status and physical or mental ability or disability. All student members must be in good standing with the University, and have and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. Students are asked to serve twelve-month terms of office. Non-student members serve two-year terms that end on alternating dates. The term of office of each Board member begins on July 1 and ends on June 30, except that the Student Union Director serves continuously as a member of the Board subject only to the continuation of his/her employment.