3.1. Personal Recreation & Wheeled Vehicles
Personal recreation and wheeled vehicles (with exception for wheelchairs and motorized accessibility equipment), including but not limited to segways, scooters, mopeds and bicycles, are not permitted inside the Popp Martin Student Union. Bicycles and skateboards are to be parked only in designated bike rack areas. Personal recreation and wheeled vehicles left around the Popp Martin Student Union are subject to removal and will be treated as Lost and Found (see Lost and Found policy). This excludes wheelchairs and accessibility vehicles.
3.1.1 Skateboards, motorized skateboards, hoverboards, in-line skates, and other portable wheeled transportation devices that can be easily carried may be brought inside the Popp Martin Student Union but may not be used or ridden while inside the facility. Popp Martin Student Union staff can request the portable wheeled devices be removed from the facility if it violates personal recreation and wheeled vehicles policy (3.1).
3.1.2 Recreation and wheeled vehicles include electric and gas powered recreation vehicles.
3.1.3 Any University owned or third party owned recreation vehicle shall remain outside the buildings in designated areas at all times, it is prohibited to bring any third party or university bikes, scooters or other vehicles into the Popp Martin Student Union.
3.1.4 Personal owned recreation and wheeled shall remain outside the building in designated areas at all times.